11 November 2008


Dead..... Life terminated.............................
my blog is polluted with dumb advertisements.....
i can't remove it.......
i am so pissed off with that... ERRGHH!!!!!!!
just because i adopted a poor panda from that particular website, they are now polluting my blog with useless advertisements...
sometimes being kind is worthless...
i am not going to save any panda or whatever animal anymore!!!
i am no longer the kind hearted soul....
you guys take it for granted...
i am being really rebellious these days...
so, watch out...
i might explode one day and release all my anger...
so, friends do watch out...
if you sense anything awkward, run for your life... haha!!

me and my partner from the hospital....

1 comment:

Qubezo said...

Haha! You should know the risk when you first put the panda. You are rebellious. I can see from that. :| Gulp.