30 November 2008

tagged again

guess what?? I am tagged AGAIN by the same person.. i thought of blogging about the recent terrorist attack in Mumbai, India but i got tagged. so, i will just attend to the tag first...
the tag unfolds....

1)seven things you dislike most :
a)people who love to boast... basically, people who make a mountain out of a molehill..
b)loosing. i am definitely a 'kiasu' person.
c)sinus.. i sneeze all the time... but definitely not contagious..
d)getting sick..i seldom get sick but when exam is around the corner, it's a different story.
e)people who are 'kiasu' even though i am one of them..
f)people who are irresponsible.
g)people who are stubborn although i am stubborn too..

2)seven things you like most :
a)reading storybooks especially during school breaks..
b)talking non stop.. chatterbox is the word..
c)exams.. i love the adrenaline pumping moments during exams..
d)pencil boxes.. weird but true..
e)irritating people.. as in i am the one irritating the irritated person..
f)the feeling of success.. awesome feeling if you were to ask me..

3)seven important things in your room :
a)my pillows and my bed
b)my books
c)my study table and chair
d)my radio
e)my mobile phone
f)my air conditioner
g)my mirror

4)seven randoms fact about you :
a)nerd.. i love to study!!
b)talkative.. always talking non-stop
c)irritating because i love to irritate those who get irritated easily..
d)happy and jovial..
f)furious at times..
g)book and food maniac..

5)seven things you plan to do before you die :
a)travel around the world and fulfil my dreams of becoming a UNIVERSAL TRAVELLER..
b)repay my parents and family members for their love..
c)gain as much knowledge possible..
d)bring back the smile on the face of those suffering from poverty and starvation.
e)becoming a billionaire and be able to spend lavishly on anything i want..
f)leaving behind treasures for the future generations.. treasures here means knowledge..
g)to die peacefully without any illness.. for example, leaving the world when i am sleeping...

6)seven things you find attractive in the opposite sex :
~i guess i am just going to skip this question as i don't find them to be attractive for the time being.. no offence..:)

7)seven celebrity crushes :
a)Roger Federer
b)Pierce Brosnan
c)Oprah Winfrey
d)Jay Chou
e)Wang Lee Hom
f)Tom Cruise
g)myself.. i am celebrity too!!

8)tagging :
~anyone who wants to be tagged..

that's all for now.. bye and have a nice day:)

1 comment:

KaiKumiko said...

Sorry for tagging you... *sweats*
Blame Amalina for this... XD

I love you for doing this~~~~ *kiss and hugs*