06 November 2008


This is me... The flowers that are 'nyawa-nyawa ikan'

Exam results are all out....

Disappointed but what to do ????

No use crying over spilt milk.........

These are my comments on my finals' results:

ENG:Lowest mark attained for my finals compared to all other subjects.
Wrote an essay which worth only 29/50 marks. Guess it's just a stupid story I wrote...

BM :Happy with my results.. Highest mark achieved since the beginning of the year for this subject.Wrote an essay on 'Inflasi'.At first, I thought that I already 'terpesong' BUT that essay really helped me.....

EST:Really glad that I finally got an A1 for EST without teacher giving me 'markah kasihan'...So, haha!!

SEJ:One of my favourite subjects. Quite satisfied with my marks. Never thought that I would get this high since I struggled when trying to memorise all the facts.. So, my hard work do pay off.

MOR:Okay la not bad.... Since I only start memorising the 'nilai-nilai' two days before moral exam..Furthermore, my pens ran out of ink when answering this particular paper...(suei betul!)


PSK:Never thought that I would do so badly for this paper.. So, looks like I am not a civic-conscious person after all.................

ACC:Happy that I did quite well for this paper coz I was having a terrible cold on the day of exam.. Kept sneezing non-stop until I can hardly talk when I went back home. Lost quite a few marks because I can't differentiate 'belanja am' and 'belanja pejabat' , all I know is that buku tunai runcit is all about 'belanja'....

BIO:I love Bio very, very much BUT Bio never loved me...

CHEM:Surprised that I got such a low mark for paper2 . Seriously expected something higher than what I got, anyway Pn Priya wrote there "very good' BUT somehow I don't feel good

PHY:Happy la of course........ Thought that I would actually fail Physics coz I didn't know how to draw v-t and a-t graphs....... Anyway thanks to Pn Hafiza that came out with a brilliant counting format that helped me gained marks...Thanks to my paper1 that helped me ..............

AM :My money fly already!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Lost 1 mark because I wrote a a 3 significant figure answer instead of 4 significant figures............. Mr Low will never give me a 1 year free tuition coz I lost one mark. Thanks to my carelessness... Good for nothing person (me)

MATH:Happy la for sure...................

*This is roughly how I think about my exam results.....

*My overall percentage dropped tremedously....

Conclusion : I am happy or sad ???? I also don't know..............................

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